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JNL Webster Group, Batch 1987, Section: IV-Earth

Capitol Institute, Feb 1986
Standing (L-R):
Marites Datuin, Jinky Javillonar, Riza Feliciano, Laarni Grace Cudillo
Seated (L-R):
Flo Simbahon, Neil Palad, Joel Bucog, Willy Gocon, Egay Ramoy, David Gan
Note: Photo sent by Neil Palad.

The thinkers: Efren Tagalicud, Willy Gocon & Francis Bernard Ramos
(Ramos Residence, 1987) Fact: Originally, there were 4 thinkers, the
other one was abducted and immortalized in Hotel Biron
Photo: Sent by Laarni Cudillo.

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